
Team Photos

Take a look at some of the fun that we’ve had at tournaments!

2009-2010 Season

Ridgefield HS’s Spudder 2009: Goin’ wild


Some of the team pause (in their pajamas) with awards at Ridgefield HS’s Spudder 2009
(The socks are actually 2nd place prizes!)


Outside the beautiful Washington Congress building for Student Congress National Qualifiers 2010.


Waiting for awards at National Qualifiers 2010 in our infamous Team Snuggies!
(this is before we had Union logos printed onto the fronts.)

2010-2011 Season

(From left): JT Harpel, Trenton Holmberg, Emily Willeman, Melissa Zapp, Greg Mulderink, and Ashley Hopkins hang out between rounds at the 2010 Tualatin High School tournament.


(From left:) Tyler Weil, Kendall Greer, and Wyatt Current chill like ice cubes at the 2010 Tualatin HS tournament!



Melissa Zapp, Adam Kinkley, Allie Rogers, Emily Willeman, and Sunjay Cauligi
pose for the official We are Union Clubs/Activities photo.



Adam Kinkley, Greg Mulderink, Emily Willeman, Ashley Kuhn,
Sunjay Cauligi, Chris Linkous (Ridgefield), and Emily Lore
having a great time on their lunch break at the Evergreen tournament!

Kendall Greer, Tyler Weil, and Wyatt Currant havin’ fun at Evergreen!

(Left side of table): Calvin Clark (Mt.View), Max Hsaio
(Right side of table): Wyatt Currant, Adam Baxter, and Josh Johnston
Best o’ buds at the Evergreen tournament!


Some of the team poses before heading home after the Evergreen tournament!

Kaylee Brent, Ashley Kuhn, (top) Josh Johnston, Greg Mulderink, Adam Kinkley
(bottom) Allison Rogers, Emily Lore, Ashley Hopkins, Trenton Holmberg

The team made a great sweep at the Ridgefield Spudder: First in Sweepstakes!

(Bottom Row) Alyssa Larson, Ashley Kuhn, Emily Lore, Allison Rogers, Mr.Aguilera,
JT Harpel, Emily Willeman, Christine Jang
(Second Row) Adam Kinkley, Jake Carlson, Wyatt Currant, Trenton Holmberg
(Third Row) Greg Mulderink, Josh Johnston, Adam Baxter

Ashley Hopkins, Jake Carlson, Adam Baxter, Josh Johnson, and Wyatt Currant
show off their loot after winning at the Ridgefield Spudder!


The team takes a break from the annual game of Spudder BINGO
while waiting for awards!

Allison Rogers, Emily Lore, Louisa Fan (Mt.View), Tess Trosko (Ridgefield),
Emily Willeman, Christine Jang, Adam Kinkley, Alyssa Larson, Tyler Beiber (Ridgefield),
Greg Mulderink, and Ashley Kuhn

Waiting for awards in the Clackamas HS auditorium after competing!

Top Row: Trenton Holmberg, Jake Carlson, Greg Mulderink,
Melissa Zapp, Ashley Hopkins
Bottom Row: Josh Johnson, Adam Baxter, Wyatt Currant


The rest of the team doing exactly the same thing at the Clackamas tournament!

Top Row: Emily Lore, Cameron Kuhn, Tyler Weil, Kendall Greer
Bottom Row: Ashley Kuhn, Allison Rogers, Alyssa Larson, Adam Kinkley

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